Let's Rethink This
Let’s Rethink This is taking real conversations about mental illness from behind closed doors right out into the open. Hosted by Abby Berger, episodes will explore the complex corners of mental illness by having candid conversations with people living with a severe mental illness and mental health providers on how mental illness affects all aspects of life including education, employment, housing, relationships and so much more. Let’s Rethink This is bringing you real stories of the challenges of mental illness along with real inspiration to manage the symptoms of mental illness, find belonging and purpose in your community, and gain the confidence to live a healthy, quality life.
Let's Rethink This
Let's Talk Trans, Part 1
Abby Berger
Episode 10
Date: July 19, 2021
Name of Show: Let’s Rethink This
Episode title and number: Episode 010 Let's Talk Trans, Part 1
Brief summary of show: Today we are talking to Sayer Johnson from the Metro Trans Umbrella Group or MTUG. Sayer started MTUG in 2015 with the intention of bringing together the transgender community in the St. Louis Metro Area, the organization now serves all individuals that fall under the “umbrella term” of Trans which includes but is not limited to: transexuals, genderqueer, androgynous, agender, intersex, drag, and questioning and helps to mend the resource gaps, provide support, and resources to Trans folks in St. Louis. We talk about Sayer’s lived experience as a Trans person.
Bullet points of key topics & timestamps:
2:10- 6:00 Sayer’s Story
6:44 – 9:28 Transgender Identity
11:09 - 15:30 Pronouns
16:12 – 18:28 Gender Identity v Sexual Orientation
19:14 – 22:40 History of Trans Identity in Medical Community
27:46 - 29:29 Gender Euphoria
List of resources mentioned in episode:
Social media handles, shareable link of podcast