Let's Rethink This
Let's Rethink This
A Conversation with Crowd Favorite George Brooks
Date: January 24, 2021
Name of Show: Let’s Rethink This
Episode title and number: A Conversation with Crowd Favorite George Brooks
Brief summary of show: Today I am talking with Independence Center member, Star Dancer, and winner of the Crowd Favorite award at Dancing with the St. Louis Stars 2022, George Brooks. We talk about George’s background growing up and how he learned he had paranoid schizophrenia. We also talk about Dancing with the St. Louis Stars, a special gift given by Abbey Eilermann from Daily Disco, and how support from another Star Dancer, Kevin Travers, makes a difference in George’s life.
Bullet points of key topics & timestamps:
1:25 - 21:07 Growing Up George
22:45 - 24:52 Schizophrenia Diagnosis
25:16 - 28:06 Education & Employment
28:09 - 36:56 Dancing with the St. Louis Stars 2022
List of resources mentioned in episode:
Dancing with the St. Louis Stars
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